2024-2025 Governance Handbook Part 3: Academic 3.2 Committees 3.2.11 University Remuneration Committee
The University Remuneration Committee is responsible to the University Assembly.
The committee consists of the Director of Human Resources, chair; three faculty elected by the faculty in single-candidate elections, with at least one full professor and one associate or assistant professor and one from each of the three academic areas; and three staff appointed by staff council, with at least one salaried staff and one hourly staff.
The term of membership is three years, and members' terms should overlap to provide continuity. Faculty and staff should be selected with due regard for diversity, campus representation, and for the sensitive nature of the committee's work.
The work of the committee is to
Serve as a focus group for administration when considering changes to employee wages, benefits, or other remuneration
Serve as a liaison between WWU employees and Human Resources on matters of remuneration, reviewing employee suggestions regarding remuneration on a regular basis
Assist in preparing a quinquennial written and oral remuneration report for the University Assembly and other governing bodies
The committee meets when called by the chair, typically at least once per quarter.
The agendas are developed by the committee chair.
Actions are taken by committee consensus or majority vote.
Minutes are recorded by a designated committee member.
Copies of minutes are sent to the Vice President for Financial Administration, Chair of the Faculty, Chair of Staff Counsel, and committee members.
A written version of the quinquennial compensation report will be sent to the Central file.
The chair is responsible for maintaining documentation of the work of the committee.
3.2 Committees