2024-2025 Governance Handbook Part 3: Academic 3.2 Committees 3.2.1 University Master Planning Committee
The University Master Planning Committee is responsible to the President. The committee submits reports to the President and the University Senate. The President or the Senate will direct significant recommendations to the faculty for evaluation and approval.
The chair is a faculty member who is at Professor or Associate Professor rank who has had at least one year of experience on the University Master Planning Committee and who is elected by the faculty from two names submitted by the President to the Nominating Committee. The chair serves as a non-voting, ex officio member of University Senate (see 3.2.4 University Senate).
Executive Secretary
The executive secretary is selected from Administration by the President.
Three faculty members
Three faculty members are elected by the faculty in multi-candidate elections, one from each of the three academic areas.
One additional member is appointed by the President from the Facility Services entities.
Administrators include the President, VP for Academic Administration, VP for Financial Administration, VP for Student Life and Mission, and VP for University Relations and Advancement.
One staff member is elected by the staff.
One student is nominated by the chair in consultation with the University and ASWWU presidents and ratified by the ASWWU Senate.
The chair, in consultation with the committee, may invite additional non-voting representation when needed.
The term of faculty and staff membership is three years. The term of membership for students is one year.
Direct in the continuing development of the academic program, study current trends in higher education, and recommend appropriate modification of educational priorities
Maintain a current file of mission statements and master plans from a representative and related sample population of colleges and universities as one source for the study of trends in higher education
Determine the financial feasibility of any shift in priorities that would result in development or modification of academic programs
Evaluate the most effective ways to use existing campus physical facilities, as well as make proposals either for modification of existing facilities or initiation of plans for new facilities to meet the academic trends
Participate in the continuing development of major financial policies, periodically review the long-range financial plan and financial statements, and evaluate the implementation of long-range financial policies and plans
Coordinate all ad hoc committees contributing to the master plan
The chair, in conference with the President, is responsible for planning the agenda for meetings and, in consultation with the entire committee, may assign to individual members or groups of members the study of specific topics. When appropriate, ad hoc groups may be formed.
The executive secretary, in consultation with the chair, coordinates the collection, collation, and distribution of data for short-term and long-term studies. The secretary also provides continuity for studies in progress when changes in committee membership or chair occur. Appropriate analyses and recommendations from all studies will be presented to the committee for evaluation. All significant recommendations from the University Master Planning Committee are submitted to the University Senate.
The committee meets at least once a month during the academic year.
The chair develops the agendas and distributes them at least one day in advance of the meetings.
Actions are taken by voice vote, show of hands, or secret ballot. Consensus is the goal on most issues.
i. Chair: 60 hrs.
ii. Members: 20 hrs.
The executive secretary helps to coordinate and collect data.
Sub-committees to study specific assigned topics can be formed about a nucleus of members; non-committee members with special expertise may be invited to advise the sub-committees when deemed prudent.
In consultation with the Vice President for Academic Administration and the faculty member’s department chair or dean, the chair of University Master Planning Committee may take up to a four (4) credit hour course reduction during the academic year.
Minutes are distributed to all members and to the president's office by the executive secretary.
Reports are submitted to the University Senate.
Significant recommendations will be reviewed and directed to the faculty by the President or University Senate.
A summary of the rationale is included in the statement of each action or recommendation.
A complete file of the minutes is maintained in the president's office, and all minutes and actions are sent to the Central File.
The executive secretary provides continuity for studies in progress when changes in committee membership and/or chair occur.
3.2 Committees