2024-2025 Governance Handbook Part 3: Academic 3.2 Committees 3.2.3 Honors General Studies Committee
The Honors General Studies Committee is responsible to the Vice President for Academic Administration.
The committee consists of the director of the Honors program, chair; all faculty members teaching in the honors program during the current academic year; the chairs of the departments represented in the required general studies honors cognates, or designees; a faculty member elected in a single-candidate election to represent the professions; and the president of the honors student council.
The term of membership for the appointed member is four years.
The work of the committee is to be responsible for the administration of the Honors Program, including such matters as recruitment, admissions, and curriculum.
The committee meets when called by the chair.
The chair sets the agenda and circulates it to members several days in advance of each meeting.
Actions are taken by vote.
i. Members: 4
i. Calls meetings at least once per quarter
ii. Provides to the committee reports on recruitment, enrollment, and assessment
iii. Facilitates discussion on changes in curriculum and policy
iv. Records and distributes minutes
v. Serves as an ex officio member on the General Studies Committee
Copies of the minutes are sent to the Vice President for Academic Administration and committee members.
Curriculum and bulletin changes are sent to the Curriculum Committee.
A summary of the rationale is included in the minutes in each statement of policy or curriculum change.
Minutes are sent to the Central File.
3.2 Committees