2024-2025 Governance Handbook Part 3: Academic 3.2 Committees 3.2.6 Governance Handbook Committee
The Governance Handbook Committee (GHC) is responsible to University Senate.
The committee consists of one faculty member elected by the faculty in a multi-candidate election and three faculty members elected by the faculty in single-candidate elections. The faculty elected in single-candidate elections should be selected to represent each of the three academic areas. At least two of the members are chosen from among faculty members holding the rank of Professor or Associate Professor.
The chair is a tenured faculty member and should have experience with the University's governance process. The chair is elected by the faculty in a single-candidate election. The chair serves as a non-voting, ex officio member of University Senate (see 3.2.4 University Senate).
The term of committee members is four years. The term of the chair is two years and may be renewed once for a total consecutive term of four years.
Process, develop, and revise Governance Handbook items and make recommendations to University Senate
Interpret the Governance Handbook in consultation with Administration
i. Notify individuals or committees of their non-compliance with the Governance Handbook
ii. Report ongoing non-compliance to the University Senate and the President
iii. Review annually each standing governance committee and recommend to University Senate potential changes to the committee structure and/or governance process
iv. Convene a meeting of all committee chairs as needed to help each committee better articulate its interactions with the campus
v. Maintain the University's organizational diagrams (see 1.5 Organizational Diagram and Appendix M: Organizational Diagrams).
The chair develops agendas and distributes them at least one day in advance of committee meetings.
The committee takes action by majority vote.
i. Chair: 60 hrs.
ii. Members: 20 hrs.
i. Encourages the chair of each standing committee to review its bylaws and procedures
ii. Solicits recommendations for revisions to those bylaws and procedures as needed
The GHC requests input on potential Governance Handbook changes from appropriate individuals and governance bodies before recommending those changes to the University Senate.
Copies of minutes are sent to the President, the Chair of the Faculty, the Associate Chair of the Faculty, and committee members.
The chair shares correspondence with committee members.
Rationale for all actions and recommendations accompanies all documents referred to originating committees or sent on to other governance bodies.
The chair maintains records of the work of the committee.
Minutes are sent to the Central File.
3.2 Committees