2024-2025 Governance Handbook Part 3: Academic 3.2 Committees 3.2.15 Graduate Council
The Graduate Council is responsible to the University Senate.
The committee consists of the Dean of Graduate Studies, chair; the Registrar or designee; the chairs of departments offering graduate degrees; an additional representative from each of these departments (the departmental director of the graduate program, if one has been designated); and one faculty member from a department not offering a graduate degree, elected by the faculty in single-candidate elections prepared by the Nominating Committee in consultation with the Graduate Dean.
The term of membership is two years.
Review and recommend to the University Senate major changes in academic policy pertaining to the graduate program, including proposed new graduate programs
Regularly review graduate admissions criteria and recommend any necessary changes
Consider and act on graduate student petitions in such academic matters as exceptions to published academic rules, admissions appeals, graduate courses to be taken for undergraduate credit, graduate courses to be taken for graduate credit by undergraduate students, application of transfer credits toward graduation, commencement participation, irregular class entrance, and withdrawals
Oversee publication of a graduate studies bulletin
Maintain the University's Ethics in Research Policy and, in consultation with University Senate, revise policies in accordance with accepted standards of ethics in research (see Ethics in Research Committee).
The chair develops the agenda in consultation with members and distributes it prior to meetings.
Actions are taken by majority vote.
i. Chair: 50 hrs.
ii. Members: 15 hrs.
Minutes are distributed to the Vice President for Academic Administration and committee members.
Admissions criteria and other academic policies pertaining to the graduate program are made publicly available.
Actions of the committee related to student petitions are communicated, in writing, to the student and his or her department chair by the Graduate Dean.
Rationale for all actions and recommendations shall be included in the minutes.
Minutes are maintained in the office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and made available in the Central File.
3.2 Committees