2024-2025 Governance Handbook Part 3: Academic 3.2 Committees 3.2.18 Secondary Education Advisory
The Secondary Education Advisory is responsible to the University Senate.
The Secondary Education Advisory consists of all instructors of departmental courses in secondary method (i.e., 395's); all chairs of departments offering secondary certification options; the secondary certification adviser, student teaching placement coordinator, and chair of the School of Education and Psychology; and the Vice President for Academic Administration. Meetings are open to other interested faculty who have special interest in the secondary certification program.
The advisory is co-chaired by a secondary methods teacher elected by the council and the secondary certification adviser from the School of Education and Psychology. The education school dean shall serve as executive secretary of the advisory, and a recording secretary shall be elected by the council.
The term of membership is by virtue of involvement in the secondary certification program, as delineated above in section 2, paragraph 1.
Keeps departments informed of developments in professional standards and practice
Reviews, in a timely manner, proposals and mandates from the state legislature, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and State Board of Education, offering suggestions for institutional and school response
Makes and/or reviews proposed curriculum changes designed to strengthen secondary certification programs and maintains communication with the Professional Education Advisory board regarding such matters
Seeks to enhance communication between instructors in secondary methods courses, both school and general, and better articulate curricula and instructional endeavors
Considers advisement issues/processes and proposes effective remedies where needed
The Secondary Education Advisory meets at least twice during the academic year, with additional sessions called as requested or needed in the judgment of the co-chairs. Agendas and supporting materials are determined by the co-chairs and executive secretary in response to requests from members and national, state, or institutional developments related to secondary teacher training and certification. Agendas are typically distributed one week prior to a scheduled meeting.
Agendas are developed by the co-chairs and executive secretary.
Actions are taken by the Secondary Education Advisory in session.
Minutes are produced by a recording secretary elected by the committee.
Minutes are sent to all members of the committee.
Supplementary materials are distributed to all members as recommended by the committee and/or co-chairs.
Recommendations from the committee are recorded in the minutes. The co-chairs and/or executive secretary report(s) to the committee the disposition of all recommendations.
Original copies of the minutes and committee correspondence are retained in the School of Education and Psychology Office for five years.
Recommendations from the committee are communicated to the School of Education and Psychology faculty, Professional Education Advisory Board, and/or other appropriate entities as required.
3.2 Committees