2024-2025 Governance Handbook > Part 2: Administrative > 2.2 Committees > 2.2.3 ADA Committee
The ADA Committee is responsible to the President.
The ADA Committee consists of seven ex officio members, one faculty representative elected in a single-candidate election, and one student representative. Ex officio members are chosen because of their expertise in certain areas relating to ADA. These members are the Vice President for Financial Administration; Director of Admissions; Director of Risk and Safety Management; Director of Human Resources; Director of Plant Operations or designee; Disability Support Services Coordinator; and Vice President for Student Life and Mission or designee. The faculty representative is chosen for their interest or expertise in disabilities. The student representative is selected by ASWWU.
An ADA Executive Committee carries out the work assigned to it by the larger committee. The Executive Committee consists of the Vice President for Financial Administration; Director of Risk and Safety Management; Disability Support Services Coordinator; and Vice President for Student Life or designee.
The chair of both the ADA Committee and the ADA Executive Committee is appointed by the President.
For non ex officio members, the term of membership is two years.
Support the campus ADA Policy in accordance with state and federal laws
Provide a leadership role in campus planning for disabilities
Maintain and implement updates of the policy and policy guidelines (Appendix L: Reasonable Accommodation Policy for Students and Employees with Disabilities)
Recommend to the appropriate bodies suggestions regarding implementation accommodation, and equipment needed to comply with regulations
Seek grants to fund the University in campus-wide compliance
Act on appeals regarding accommodation by faculty/staff and students
Give direction to the Director of Human Resources and Special Services Coordinator regarding accommodation
Develop working policies and handbooks for faculty/staff and students
The chair develops the agendas and distributes them at the meeting.
Actions are taken by majority vote. On certain issues, action is taken by consensus.
The ex officio committee members will be expected to review ADA requests relating to their areas and make recommendations to the committee on how these standards are being met.
The ADA Committee is responsible for hearing appeals of actions taken by the ADA Executive Committee. Members of the ADA Committee may be assigned the task of forming subcommittees, which may include non-committee members, for the purpose of studying specific issues.
The ADA Committee is responsible to assess its work.
Minutes of the meetings are recorded by a designated committee member.
Minutes are distributed to all members of the committee and the President and are available in the chair's office. They are sent to the Central File as sensitive minutes.
Minutes and procedures on sensitive cases follow guidelines on confidentiality.
A summary of the rationale is included along with the action taken.
2.2 Committees