Modern Languages

The ability to communicate in a foreign language and the acquaintance with a foreign culture should be part of the background of educated persons, particularly those with a sense of world mission. The objective of the department is to develop competence and proficiency in the ability to understand, speak, read, and write a foreign language and to provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of the literature and culture of other people. With the expansion of the world trade as a core component of globalization, new horizons are opening in geopolitics, environmental issues, technology, and culture. Strong language and cross-cultural skills give students of language and culture a powerful advantage for meeting the opportunities this changing world offers.

Walla Walla University is a member of the Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) consortium. Language minors are offered through ACA. Applicants should consult with their academic advisors, the ACA Coordinator, and the Registrar prior to enrollment in the ACA program.

A student planning to teach Spanish should confer with their assigned academic advisor and with the School of Education and Psychology regarding certification and teaching credentials.