2.1.2 Vice President for Academic Administration
The Vice President for Academic Administration (VPAA) serves as the Chief Academic Officer of the University and the secretary of the corporation and is responsible to the President for overseeing the educational programs of the University. He or she is responsible for the effective organization and coordination of all formal instructional services. He or she has general responsibility for fostering instructional service programs of high quality and particular responsibility for applying academic policies adopted by the faculty.
Any associate dean(s), the graduate dean, the deans of schools, department chairs, the Registrar, and the directors of libraries and other academic services report to the VPAA, who holds ex officio membership on all faculties and committees, to which he or she may direct recommendations.
The VPAA exercises educational leadership by preparing and presenting to the faculty policies and plans for furthering the educational task of the school, working toward general improvement of the academic achievement of the student body, and toward a climate of learning conducive to excellence.
- In carrying out the responsibilities of the office, the Vice President for Academic Administration is expected to
Act as the officer in charge of the University in the absence of the President
Work with the President in matters relating to the selection, development, organization, and working conditions of faculty personnel, and, in consultation with department heads and the Rank and Tenure Committee, recommend to the President and the board the appointment, reappointment, or promotion of teachers
Lead out in the construction of curricula, course sequences, and honors programs and propose academic policies for their governance
Supervise instructional methods, faculty evaluations, grading systems and policies, and the educational use and development of the library, as well as other buildings, rooms, and equipment assigned to the instructional program
Conduct periodic reviews of department chairs/school deans at the end of each chair/dean term and, in consultation with faculty members in the department or school, prepare a written evaluation to the chair/dean
Supervise the admission, registration, and graduation processes of the University
Develop, measure, and evaluate student retention programs for the University
With the counsel of the Registrar, determine who has satisfied graduation requirements and present their names to the President and Board Chair for approval
Conduct periodic statistical studies on the scholastic program, provide testing programs to evaluate academic achievement of Walla Walla University students in comparison with national or other norms, and report these findings to the faculty and the Board of Trustees, as requested by the President and the Board
Report to accrediting bodies and agencies of the Seventh-day Adventist Church concerned with higher education as well as similar secular bodies of which the University is a member
Supervise and coordinate the preparation of copy for bulletins, schedules, and announcements of an academic nature
In association with the President and in consultation with the faculty, prepare the academic calendar
Foster research, scholarly publication, and creative academic activities on the part of faculty members
Maintain Campus Copyright Policies (see Appendix J.1: Campus Copyright Policies), and, in consultation with the Director of Libraries, revise policies in accordance with federal and international copyright laws
Participate in the preparation of the budget for the instructional program of the University, in association with the President and the Vice President for Financial Administration and in consultation with the heads of the instructional departments
Delegate responsibility to the associate vice president
Perform such other duties and functions as the President may assign
- In carrying out the responsibilities of the office, the Associate Vice President is expected to
Administer student academic concerns and academic support areas of the University
Chair the Pre-professional Committee
Serve on the Cabinet, University Senate, and Pre-professional and Technical Support Services Committees
Serve, if asked, as designee of the Vice President for Academic Administration on the Admissions, Academic Standards, and Curriculum Committees and the Graduate Council
Serve as the International Affiliation Coordinator