
Walla Walla University Board of Trustees

John Freedman, Chair
Rhona Kwiram, Vice Chair
John K. McVay, Secretary

Daniel Bergeron

Douglas Bing
Andrew O. Carrington
Bryan Clay
Lowell Cooper
Larry Dodds
Stephanie Gates
Rena Holland
Yvonne Iwasa

David Jamieson
Monty E. Knittel
Steve Kreitner

EuGene Lewis
Dan Linrud
Bill McClendon
Kevin Miller
Joyce Newmyer

Ken Norton
W. Todd Pascoe
Dennis Plubell
David Prest, Jr.
Elden Ramirez
Mark Remboldt
Paul Rhynard
Jaime Rodriguez
Rodney Wehtje
Ron Wilkinson



John K. McVay, Ph.D.

Vice President for Academic Administration
Pamela Keele Cress, Ph.D.

Vice President for Financial Administration

Prakash Ramoutar, Ph.D., F.C.C.A.

Vice President for Student Life

Darren Wilkins, M.A.

Vice President for University Relations and Advancement

Jodeene Wagner, B.A.

Associate Vice President for Academic Administration

Howard A. Munson, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Financial Administration

Eric James, B.S., C.P.A.

Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies

Jonathan D. Duncan, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Alumni and Advancement Services

Troy Patzer, M.B.A.

Associate Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Services

Trevor Congleton, M.S.W.

Assistant Vice President of Student Life


Assistant to the President for Diversity

Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid, Th.D.

Administrative Staff

Academic Administration - School Deans


Stephen Pilgrim, Ph. D.

Business Associate

Bruce J. Toews, D.B.A.

Education and Psychology

Maria Bastien Valenca, Ph.D.


Delvin E. Peterson, Ph.D.

Engineering Associate

Bryce Cole, Ph.D.


Michaelynn Paul, D.N.P. 

Social Work and Sociology

Deisy Haid, D.S.W.


Carl P. Cosaert, Ph.D.

Academic Administration - Department Chairs


Joel Libby, M.F.A.


David Lindsey, Ph.D.


Kyle S. Craig, Ph.D.


Nancy Semotiuk, Ph.D.

Computer Science

Benjamin Jackson, Ph.D.

English and Modern Languages

Cynthia Westerbeck, Ph.D.

Health and Physical Education

Rodd L. Strobel, M.Ed.

History and Philosophy

Gregory Dean Dodds, Ph.D.


Benjamin Jackson, Ph.D.


Karlyn Bond, D.M.A.


Thomas B. Ekkens, Ph.D.


Robert D. Holm, M.S.

Academic Support

Director of Academic Advisement

Herlinda V. Ruvalcaba, M.Ed.

Director of Student Development Center

David Lindstrom, M.A.

Director of Summer Session

Pam Cress, Ph.D.

Director of Technical Support Services

Karl Thompson, M.S.

General Manager, KGTS/Positive Life Radio Network

Chris Gilbreth, Ph.D.


Jerry Entze, M.F.A.

Director of University Libraries

Carolyn S. Gaskell, M.A.

Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Jonathan D. Duncan, Ph.D.

Alumni and Advancement Services

Director of Alumni and Parent Relations

Claudia Santellano, B.S.

Director of Gift Planning

Dorita Tessier, B.S., CFRE

Financial Administration


Eric James, B.S., C.P.A.

Director of Facility Services

Shawna Larsen

Director of Human Resources

Keri Self, SHRM-CP

Director of Student Financial Services

Gayla Rogers, B.S.


Director of Information Technology

Duane Anderson, M.S.

Marketing and Enrollment Services

Director of Admissions and International Student Liaison

Karen Murcia

Director of Marketing and University Relations

Aaron Nakamura, M.C.M.

Student Services

Lead Campus Chaplain

Albert Handal, D.Min.

Director of Athletics

Nestor Osorio, M.S.

Director of Resident Life and Housing

Jon Nickell, M.A. 

Clinical Director

Matthew Vaughan, L.M.H.C.

Coordinator of Testing

Stephanie Marsh, B.S.

Medical Director

Stephanie Bennett

Food Services - Sodexo

Michael Benca, Director

Security - Allied Universal Security

Courtney Bryant, B.B.A., Director



Manager of University Bookstore

Megan Holm, B.B.A.

Manager of Dairy Express

Miles Rottman, B.B.A.

Presidents of Walla Walla University

*William Prescott 1892-1894
*Edward A. Sutherland 1894-1897
*Emmett J. Hibbard 1897-1898
*Walter R. Sutherland 1898-1900
*Edwin L. Stewart 1900-1902
*Charles C. Lewis 1902-1904
*Joseph L. Kay 1904-1905
*Marion E. Cady 1905-1911
*Ernest C. Kellogg 1911-1917
*Walter I. Smith 1917-1930
*John E. Weaver 1930-1933
*William M. Landeen 1933-1938
*George W. Bowers 1938-1955
*Percy W. Christian 1955-1964
*William H. Shephard 1964-1968
*Robert L. Reynolds 1968-1976
N. Clifford Sorensen 1976-1985
*H. J. Bergman 1985-1990
Niels-Erik Andreasen 1990-1994
W. G. Nelson 1994-2001
John C. Brunt 2001        
N. Clifford Sorensen 2001-2002
*Jon L. Dybdahl 2002-2006
John K. McVay 2006-       



Tiago Arrais, Associate Professor of Theology (2023)

B.Th. 2006, Adventist University of Sao Paulo

M.A. 2009; Ph.D. 2015, Andrews University 

Johanna Retana Attoh, Associate Professor of Economics (2014)

B.S. 2008, National University of Costa Rica

M.S. 2009, East Carolina University

M.A. 2014; Ph.D. 2016, Western Michigan University 

W. Brandon Beck, Associate Professor of Music (2000)

B.S. 1985, Walla Walla College

M.Mus. 1988, VanderCook College of Music

Brent Bergherm, Associate Professor of Technology (2007)

B.A. 1999, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2010, Savannah College of Art and Design

Brant Berglin, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies (2013) 

B.A. 1995, Walla Walla College

M.Div. 2001, Andrews University 

Conna L. Bond, Associate Professor of Business (2013-2017; 2019) 

B.A. 1990, Whitman College

J.D. 2003, University of Florida

M.A. 2021, Marist College 

Karlyn Bond, Professor of Music  (2022)
B.M. 1989, Walla Walla College
      M.M. 1991; D.M.A. 1994,  University of Southern California

Kellie A. Bond, Associate Professor of English (2004)

B.A. 1993, Walla Walla College

M.A. 1998; Ph.D. 2002, University of Oregon

James D. Boyd, Professor of Social Work and Sociology (2002)

B.A. 1987; M.S.W. 2000, Walla Walla College

Ph.D. 2015, Capella University

Joseph A. Brannaka, Professor of Chemistry (2015)

B.S. 2009, Southern Adventist University

Ph.D. 2014, University of Florida

Cecilia J. Brothers, Associate Professor of Biology (2018)

B.S. 2010; M.S. 2012, Walla Walla University

Ph.D. 2016, University of Alabama

Greg Brothers, Assistant Professor of History and Philosophy (2023)

B.A. 1980, Walla Walla University

M.Div. 1983, Andrews University

Ph.D. 1997 ABD, University of Idaho

Susan Bungard-Beck, Instructor in Religion (2004)

B.A. 1981, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2012, Walla Walla University

Roy K. Campbell, Professor of Physics (2001)

B.S. 1978, Southern Adventist University

Ph.D. 1986, Florida State University

Eldon Preston Carman, Jr., Associate Professor of Computer Science (2017)

B.S. 2003, Walla Walla College

M.B.A. 2006, La Sierra University

M.S. 2014; Ph.D. 2020, University of California, Riverside

Margaret Carman, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2022)

B.S.N. 2007, Loma Linda University

M.S.N. 2022, Washington State University

Kristen Coffeen-Smith, Assistant Professor of Social Work (2022)
      B.S.W., B.A. 2010; M.S.W. 2015; D.S.W. 2022, Walla Walla University

 L.I.C.S.W. 2020, State of Washington

 N.C.A.C. II 2021, State of Washington

Mary Cohen, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2023)

B.S.N. 2017, Western Governors University

M.S.N. 2022, Western Governors University


Bryce E. Cole, Professor of Engineering (1995)

B.A., B.S.E. 1987, Walla Walla College

M.S.C.E. 1989, University of Massachusetts

Ph.D. 1995, University of Notre Dame


Holly Coon, Instructor of Nursing (2023)

A.S.N. 1995; B.S.N. 1996, Loma Linda University

Carl P. Cosaert, Professor of Biblical Studies: Greek and New Testament (2005)

B.A. 1989, Union College

M.Div. 1993, Andrews University

M.A. 2000, Nazarene Theological Seminary

Ph.D. 2005, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

David L. Cowles, Professor of Biology (2001)

B.S. 1978; M.S. 1981, Walla Walla College

Ph.D. 1987, University of California, Santa Barbara

Kyle S. Craig, Professor of Chemistry (2003)

B.S. 1997, Andrews University

M.S. 2014, Walla Walla University

Ph.D. 2003, University of British Columbia

Pamela Keele Cress, Professor of Social Work and Sociology (1996)

B.S.W. 1990; M.S.W. 1994, Walla Walla College

Ph.D. 2004, Andrews University

Linda Potter Crumley, Professor of Communication (2017)

B.A. 1988, Pacific Union College

M.A. 1991, University of California, Davis

Ph.D. 2002, University of Texas, Austin

Cheris B. Current, Professor of Social Work and Sociology (2007)

B.A. 2002, Southern Adventist University

M.A. 2005; Ph.D. 2007, Washington State University

Hilary E.L. Dickerson, Professor of History (2018)

B.A. 2002, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2004; Ph.D. 2011, Washington State University


Shawn Dietrich, Associate Professor of Aviation (2004-2012; 2024)     B.S.; B.A. 2001, Walla Walla College     C.F.I. 1999; C.F.I.I. 2000; M.E.I. 2006; A.T.P.; M.E.L. 2012;

    A.T.P.; S.E.L. 2015; C.E.500 P.I.C. 2020; D.A.50;

    S.I.C. 2022, Federal Aviation Administration 

Gregory Dean Dodds, Professor of History (2000)

B.A. 1997, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2000; Ph.D. 2004, Claremont Graduate University

Jonathan D. Duncan, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science (2002)

B.S.; B.A. 1997, Walla Walla College

M.A. (Math); M.S. (Cptr. Sci.) 2001, Indiana University

Ph.D. 2007, Indiana University

Paul B. Dybdahl, Professor of Mission and New Testament (2000)

B.A. 1992, Walla Walla College

M.Div. 1995; Ph.D. 2004, Andrews University

Thomas B. Ekkens, Professor of Physics (2004)

B.S. 1991, Andrews University

M.S. 1995; Ph.D. 1999, University of Notre Dame

Lynelle Ellis, Associate Professor of Communication (2015)

B.A. 1990, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2009, Spring Arbor University

Ph.D. 2019, Regent University 

Melody Ezpeleta, Assistant Professor of Psychology (2021)

B.S. 2015, Walla Walla University

M.S. 2018, Loma Linda University

D.M.F.T. 2022, Loma Linda University 

Steven Forbis, Assistant Professor of Business (2022)

B.S. 2009, Purdue University Global

M.B.A. 2011, Southern Adventist University

D. Ed. 2021, Capella University

James Foster, Associate Professor of Computer Science (2018)

B.A. 1980, Walla Walla College

J.D. 1983, University of California, Los Angeles

M.S. 2006, North Dakota State University

M.B.A. 2015, Southern Adventist University

John Foster, Associate Professor of Mathematics (2013)

B.S. 2007, Walla Walla University

M.S. 2009; Ph.D. 2013, University of Oregon

Shelley Franco, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2021)
B.S. 2003, Walla Walla College
   M.S.N. 2016, Grand Canyon University

Mathilde Frey, Professor of Biblical Studies (2015)

B.A. 1992, Seminar Marienhöhe

M. Div. 2004; Ph.D. 2011, Andrews University

Rob Frohne, Professor of Engineering (1988)

B.S.E. 1983, Walla Walla College

M.S.E.E. 1984; Ph.D. 1988, Purdue University

P.E. 1998, State of Washington 

Carolyn S. Gaskell, Librarian (1978)

B.A. 1976, Pacific Union College

M.A. 1977, University of Denver 

Deisy E. Haid, Associate Professor of Social Work (2017)

B.S.W. 2010; M.S.W. 2011; D.S.W. 2022, Walla Walla University

L.C.S.W. 2017, State of Oregon

Brian D. Hartman, Associate Professor of Education (2016)

B.S. (Biology); B.S. (Bioengineering) 1993, Walla Walla College

M.A.T. 1996, Andrews University

Ph.D. 2016, Oregon State University

Jerrold W. Hartman, Professor of Communication (2003)

B.A. 1999, Walla Walla College

M.F.A. 2008, National University

Mark A. Haun, Associate Professor of Engineering (2021)

B.S. 1996, Walla Walla College
M.S. 1999; Ph.D. 2003, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Michael Hellie, Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education (2018)

B.S. 1983, Walla Walla College

M.A. 1990, California State University, Chico

Robert D. Holm, Associate Professor of Technology (2003)

B.S. 1996, Walla Walla College
M.S. 2006, Purdue University

Jefre Humbert, Instructor in Product Design (2017)

B.S. 1984, Walla Walla College

Linda L. Ivy, Professor of Psychology (2006)

B.S. 1999; M.S. 2001; Ph.D. 2005, University of Oregon

Benjamin Jackson, Professor of Mathematics (2015)

B.A. 2001, Texas A&M University

M.S. 2003, Washington State University

Ph.D. 2015, Montana State University

Christine Janis, Assistant Professor of Music (2019)

B.M. 1985, Westminster Choir College
M.A. 1991, Ohio State University
D.M.A. 1994, Ohio State University

Sara Kakazu, Professor of English (2022)

B.A. 2002, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2004, Western Washington University

Ph.D. 2012, University of Buffalo 

Curtis Z. Kuhlman, Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education (1983)

B.S. 1981, Loma Linda University

M.S.T. 1988, Portland State University  

Jennifer Larson, Associate Professor of Nursing (2023)

A.S.N. 2001, Southwestern Adventist University

B.S.N. 2016, M.S.N. 2018, Grand Canyon University

Amanda Lewis, Associate Professor of Social Work (2018)

B.S. 2003, Montana State University

M.S.W. 2007; D.S.W. 2022, Walla Walla University

L.C.S.W. 2009; L.M.F.T. 2009; State of Montana

Joel Libby, Assistant Professor of Art (2013)

B.A. 2004, Walla Walla College

M.F.A. 2016, Academy of Art University

David F. Lindsey, Professor of Biology (1997)

B.S. 1981, Southwestern Adventist College

Ph.D. 1992, University of Texas, Austin

Deanna Ludwig-Bos, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2016)

B.S.N. 2011, Washington State University

M.S.N. 2014, Kaplan University

Qin Ma, Professor of Engineering (2005)

B.S. 1987; M.S. 1994, Chongqing University

M.S. 1999, Florida International University

Ph.D. 2004, Carnegie Mellon University

Ross Magi, Professor of Mathematics (2014)

B.S. 2007, Walla Walla University

M.S. 2009; Ph.D. 2014, University of Utah

Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid, Professor of Biblical Studies and Missiology (1990)

B.Th. 1970, West Indies College

M.A. 1973; M.Div. 1975; Th.D. 1981, Andrews University

Th.M. 1995, Fuller Theological Seminary

Douglas McClay, Assistant Librarian, Level II (2015)

B.S. 2002, Pacific Union College

M.L.S. 2010, Drexel University

Janice McKenzie, Professor of Bioengineering (2011)

B.S. 2001, Montana State University

Ph.D. 2006, Purdue University

John K. McVay, Professor of Theology (2006)

B.A. 1980, Southern Adventist University

M.Div. 1983, Andrews University

Ph.D. 1995, University of Sheffield  

James R. Nestler, Professor of Biology (1990)

B.S. 1984; M.S. 1986, Walla Walla College

Ph.D. 1990, University of Colorado, Boulder

Kirt Onthank, Professor of Biology (2013)

B.S. 2006, Walla Walla College

M.S. 2008, Walla Walla University

Ph.D. 2013, Washington State University

Michaelynn R. Paul, Professor of Nursing (2000)

B.S. 1987, Walla Walla College

M.S.N. 2004, Oregon Health and Science University

D.N.P. 2017, Walden University

Kayleith Pellandini, Assistant Professor of Social Work (2015)

B.S.W. 1997; M.S.W. 1998, Andrews University

Darryl Penney, Assistant Professor of Aviation (2022)

A.I.T., Andrews University

D.C. 1988, Palmer College of Chiropractic

C.F.I.; A&P 1981; C.F.I.I. 2003; M.E.I.; A.G.I.; I.G.I. 2005;

A.T.P.; M.E.L.; S.E.L.; S.E.S. 2016, Federal Aviation


George Perez, Associate Professor of Business (2018)

B.S. 1994, Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

M.S. 1998, Andrews University

Pamela Bing Perry, Professor of Social Work (2009)

B.S. 1984, Union College

M.B.A. 1988, University of Kansas

M.S. 2003; D.M.F.T. 2009, Loma Linda University

L.M.F.T. 2011, State of Montana

Delvin E. Peterson, Professor of Engineering (2004)

B.S.E. 2001, Walla Walla College

M.S.M.E. 2004; Ph.D. 2012, Oregon State University

Lauren S. Peterson, Assistant Professor of English (2022)

B.A. 2012, Walla Walla University

M.A. 2015, Western Washington University

Ph.D. 2022, University of California, Davis

Stephen Pilgrim, Professor of Business (2023)

B.S. 1987; Ph.D. 2011, University of the West Indies

M.A. 1994, University of Westminster

M.Phil. 2008, University of Reading

Analizeth Pesqueira, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Sociology (2023)

B.S.W. 2011, Walla Walla University

M.S.W. 2012, Walla Walla University

Amanda Ramoutar, Assistant Professor (2020)

B.Ed. 2012, University of Trinidad and Tobago
M.Ed. 2014; Ph.D. 2023, University of the West Indies

M.S. 2021, University of South Wales  

Eduardo Ribeiro, Assistant Professor of Engineering (2023)

B.E. 2010, Federal University of Technology

M.E. 2013; D.E. 2016, Federal University of Parana

L. Melvin Roberts, Professor of Chemistry (2021)
     B. S. 1989, Southwestern Adventist University
     Ph.D. 1994, Texas A&M University

Monique Roddy, Associate Professor of History (2018)

B.A. 2007, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2009; Ph.D. 2016, University of Chicago

Nathaniel Sanchez, Instructor (2023)

B.S. 2023, Walla Walla University

Instrument 2020;

Commercial, Multi Engine, C.F.I. 2021;

A.G.I., C.F.I.I., A.M.E.L. 2022, Federal Aviation Administration 

Brian Schaffner, Assistant Professor of Accounting (2021)
     B.S. 1992, Walla Walla College
     M.B.A. 1997, University of Phoenix

Christy A. Scott, Associate Librarian (2004)

B.S. 2001, Union College

M.L.S. 2003, University of Missouri-Columbia

Kraig S. M. Scott, Professor of Music (1986)

Associateship (Piano) 1978, The Royal Conservatory of Toronto

B.Mus. 1984, Walla Walla College

M.Mus. 1986, University of Oregon

M.A.; D.M.A. 1993, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

Logan Seibold, Instructor of Product Design (2009)

B.S. 2021, Walla Walla University 

Nancy L. Semotiuk, Professor of Communication (1989)

B.A. 1979, Walla Walla College

M.A. 1992, Norwich University

Ph.D. 2019, Union Institute and University

Leasha Simafranca, Instructor in Nursing (2020)

B.S.N. 2015, Union College
M.S.N. 2020, Western Governors University

Natalie Smith-Gray, Assistant Professor of Engineering (2022)

A.S. 2015, Chemeketa Community College

B.S 2018, Walla Walla University

Ph.D. 2022, Washington State University

Jeremy Springer, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Sociology (2021)

B.S.W. 2008; M.S.W. 2009; D.S.W. 2022, Walla Walla University

L.C.S.W. 2012, State of Oregon

L.I.C.S.W. 2020, State of Washington

Stefan Sremac, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (2022)

B.Ed. 2008, Canadian University College
M.S. 2015, University of British Columbia
Ph.D. 2019, University of Waterloo

Ralph Stirling, Associate Professor of Engineering

B.S.E 1981, Walla Walla College

M.S.E.E. 1985, Purdue University

Rodd L. Strobel, Assistant Professor of Physical Education (2015)

B.S. 1987; M.Ed. 2007, Walla Walla College

M.A. 2018, Columbia University 

Idah Taruwinga, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Sociology (2020)

B.A. 2000, University of Zimbabwe
M.S.W. 2008, Indiana University
L.C.S.W. 2012, State of Indiana
L.I.C.S.W. 2018, State of Washington
D.S.W. 2019, University of Southern California 

Douglas Thomsen, Professor of Engineering (2018)

B.S.E. 1993, Walla Walla College

M.S.E. 1996; Ph.D. 1999, Purdue University

Timothy L. Tiffin, Professor of Mathematics (1992)

B.S. 1985, Pacific Union College

M.S. 1988; D.A. 1995, Idaho State University

Emily Tillotson, Associate Professor of Social Work and Sociology (2008)

B.S.W. 1997; M.S.W. 2000, Walla Walla College
D.S.W. 2020, University of Southern California

L.I.C.S.W. 2006, State of Washington

Bruce J. Toews, Professor of Business (1994)

B.B.A. 1987, Pacific Union College

M.B.A. 1991, California State University, San Bernardino

C.P.A. 1995, State of Washington

D.B.A. 2015, Walden University

Maria Bastien Valenca, Associate Professor of Education (2017)

B.S. 2004, Pacific Union College

B.A. 2010; M.A. 2011, University of Windsor

Ph.D. 2017, University of Ottawa 

James Veverka, Instructor of Technology (2023)

B.S. 2007, Walla Walla University

Jan Vigil, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2023)

B.S.N. 1977, Loma Linda University

M.S.N. 1982, University of Oregon Health Sciences

Jody E. Washburn, Associate Professor of Social Worker (2016)

B.A. 2005, Walla Walla College

M.A.; M.A. 2010, Andrews University

M.A. 2013; Ph.D. 2016, University of California, Los Angeles

Cynthia Westerbeck, Professor of English (2017)

B.A. 1990, Walla Walla College

M.A. 1992; Ph.D. 2000, Washington University, St. Louis

Jeremy Wiggins, Associate Professor of Biology (2022)

B.S. 1996, Walla Walla University

     D.D.S. 2000, Loma Linda University

Melodie A. Williams, Associate Professor of Engineering (2009)

B.S.E. 1986, Walla Walla College

M.S.E. 1994, Washington State University

P.E. 1989, State of California

P.E. 1991, State of Washington

David E. Wiltfong, Instructor of Social Work (2019)

B.S. 2001, University of Montana
L.C.S.W. 2005, State of Montana
M.S.W. 2013, Walla Walla University

Louie L. Yaw, Professor of Engineering (1992-93; 2000)

B.S.E. 1992, Walla Walla College

M.S. 1996; Ph.D. 2008, University of California, Davis

P.E. 1996; S.E. 2000, State of California

P.E., S.E. 2001, State of Washington


Larry D. Aamodt, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Engineering

Terrie D. Dopp Aamodt, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of History

Norman L. Anderson, J.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Accounting

Austin Archer, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Education

Beverly G. Beem, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of English

Darold Bigger, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Religion and

  Social Work

Roland R. Blaich, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of History
Chester D. Blake, Ed.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Technology

David A. Bullock, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Communication

Jon A. Cole, P.L.S.
  Professor Emeritus of Engineering
Ralph M. Coupland, Ed.D.
  Associate Professor Emeritus of Education
Carlton E. Cross, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Engineering

Richard F. Daley, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Donald Dawes, M.Ed.
  Associate Professor Emeritus of Technology
C. Loren Dickinson, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Communication
Thomas J. Emmerson, M.F.A.
  Professor Emeritus of Art
Joseph G. Galusha, Jr., Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Biology

Terrell D. Gottschall, Ph.D.

   Professor Emeritus of History

James C. Hannum, M.A.
  Associate Professor Emeritus of Communication
Wilma M. Hepker, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Social Work and Sociology
Bruce C. Johanson, D.Th.
  Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies

Ronald L. Jolliffe, Ph. D.
  Professor Emeritus of English

Daniel A. Lamberton, M.F.A.

   Professor Emeritus of English

Melvin S. Lang, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
  Associate Vice President Emeritus for

  Academic Administration

Steven Lee, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Carlyle Manous, D.M.A.
  Professor Emeritus of Music

Martha F. Mason, M.F.A.
  Professor Emeritus of Art

Bruce McClay, M.A.
  Librarian Emeritus
Walter Meske, M.A.
  Vice President Emeritus for Student
Curtis A. Nelson, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Engineering

Janet D. Ockerman, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Social Work and Sociology

Tamara L. Randolph, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Education

Donald W. Rigby, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Biology

Gail Rittenbach, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Education
Carolyn Stevens Shultz, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of English
Dan M. Shultz, M.Mus.
  Professor Emeritus of Music
Glenn E. Spring, D.M.A
  Professor Emeritus of Music

R. Lee Stough, Ph.D.

  Professor Emeritus of Psychology

David E. Thomas, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Theology

Alden L. Thompson, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies

Thomas M. Thompson, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Fred W. Troutman, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Nursing
Verlie Y. F. Ward, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Education

JoAnn Y. Wiggins, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Business

Ken Wiggins, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Robert F. Wood, Ph.D.
  Professor Emeritus of Engineering