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BIOL - Biology
COMM - Communication
EDAD - Educational Leadership
EDCI - Education Curriculum and Instruction
EDFB - Education Field Base
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
GNRL - General
GRPH - Graphic Design
MGMT - Management
PSYC - Psychology
RELM - Missions
RELT - Religion
SOWK - Social Work
SOWK 505
SOWK 506
SOWK 507
SOWK 510
SOWK 514
SOWK 515
SOWK 517
SOWK 518
SOWK 519
SOWK 520
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SOWK 530
SOWK 531
SOWK 536
SOWK 540
SOWK 541
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SOWK 556
SOWK 557
SOWK 558
SOWK 567
SOWK 570
SOWK 572
SOWK 573
SOWK 575
SOWK 578
SOWK 580
SOWK 581
SOWK 583
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SOWK 588
SOWK 595
SOWK 596
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TECH - Technology Education
WRIT - Writing
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2023-2024 Graduate Bulletin
SOWK - Social Work
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2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin
2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin
2016-2017 Graduate Bulletin
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin
2019-2020 Graduate Bulletin
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin
2019-2020 Financial Bulletin
2020 Summer Bulletin
2020-2021 Graduate Bulletin
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin
2020-2021 Financial Bulletin
2021 Summer Bulletin
Governance Handbook
2021-2022 Graduate Bulletin
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin
2021-2022 Financial Bulletin
2022 Summer Bulletin
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin
2022 Governance Handbook
2022-2023 Graduate Bulletin
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin
2022-2023 Financial Bulletin
2023 Governance Handbook
2023-2024 Graduate Bulletin
2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin
2023-2024 Financial Bulletin
2024-2025 Preview Bulletin
2024-2025 Governance Handbook
2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin
2024-2025 Financial Bulletin
SOWK 505 Research I
SOWK 506 Research II
SOWK 507 Research III
SOWK 510 Privilege and Oppression
SOWK 514 Historical Development of Social Welfare
SOWK 515 Comparative Theories
SOWK 517 Practice with Individuals
SOWK 518 Practice with Small Groups
SOWK 519 Practice with Couples and Families
SOWK 520 Practice with Communities and Organizations
SOWK 524 Human Behavior and Social Environment I
SOWK 525 Human Behavior and Social Environment II
SOWK 527 Introduction to Substance Abuse and Disorders and Interventions
SOWK 529 Field Education: Generalist
SOWK 530 Field Education: Clinical
SOWK 531 Death and Dying
SOWK 536 Clinical Treatment of Trauma
SOWK 540 Advanced Clinical Evaluation
SOWK 541 Advanced Practice with Individuals
SOWK 542 Psychopathology
SOWK 544 Policy Analysis and Advocacy
SOWK 545 Advanced Practice with Couples and Families
SOWK 549 Attachment Theory Through the Life Span
SOWK 551 Family Violence
SOWK 552 Clinical Treatment of Children and Adolescents
SOWK 555 School Social Work
SOWK 556 Play Therapy
SOWK 557 Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
SOWK 558 Cognitive Behavior Therapy
SOWK 567 Self-care for Social Workers
SOWK 570 Social Work Practice in a Medical Setting
SOWK 572 Clinical Treatment in Mental Health
SOWK 573 Advanced Practice with Groups
SOWK 575 Clinical Practice with Crisis Intervention
SOWK 578 Clinical Approaches to the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
SOWK 580 Services to Families with Children
SOWK 581 Substance Use Disorders and the Family
SOWK 583 Topics in Geriatric Mental Health
SOWK 584 Topics in Social Work Leadership and Administration
SOWK 585 Topics in Clinical Social Work
SOWK 588 Social Work, Religion, and Spirituality
SOWK 595 Colloquium: Generalist Field
SOWK 596 Social Work Practice Seminar