1.1.1 Method of Establishment


The Governance Handbook and the governance system outlined therein is established by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Walla Walla University faculty to the President as chief officer of the University and representative of the Board of Trustees.


Because of the complex and dynamic nature of the structures that constitute a living, developing organization, the writing of the handbook is an ongoing process. A handbook was first issued in 1953. A major rewriting in 1971 expanded the role of faculty governance and made specific provisions for revision, including mandating a loose-leaf format. Extensive revisions were made in 1980, with further refinements in 1983 and 1986. The 1991 rewriting incorporated previous revisions and featured a reorganization designed to streamline the revision process by dividing the handbook into three parts: Charter, Bylaws, and Procedures. Appendices, which contain supplementary documents providing information relevant to University governance, were attached. Extensive revision to the governance system was made in 2013 to enhance efficiency and revisions were made in 2018 to the structure of the handbook to enhance clarity.