Communications and Languages

David Bullock, Chair; Alma Alfaro, David Crawford, Lynelle Ellis, Jean-Paul Grimaud, Jerrold Hartman, Nancy Semotiuk, Deborah Silva.

The department’s programs foster student growth by stimulating critical thinking and creative expression, enhancing language and cultural sensitivity, and connecting educational, career, and life goals. Students are prepared to enter careers that use their talents to understand, speak, read and write effectively as articulate Christian communicators.

Communication study focuses on message creation, production and dissemination—on sharing ideas that enhance community, create change, or serve audiences. Language study prepares students to engage in the language, literature, and life of other cultures. International communication combines communication and language study to embrace expanding global opportunities in politics, business, technology and environmental issues.

In the area of communications, the department offers bachelor of arts degrees in communication and international communication and minors in drama, film and television production, journalism, public relations, and speech. Languages offers bachelor of arts degrees in French and Spanish and minors in Arabic, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.