Elementary Education Major (Bachelor of Science)
To be considered for admission into the Teacher Certification Program (TCP), students must have junior standing or have earned at least a score of 23 on the American College Test (ACT) or have earned a score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) of at least 931 if they graduated from high school prior to 1996 or a score of at least 1040 if they graduated in or after 1996. The state of Washington may change minimum scores between bulletin printings. Students may verify minimum acceptable scores with the certification officer of the School of Education and Psychology.
To be admitted into the Teacher Certification Program, students must demonstrate satisfactory scholarship, professionalism, and personal fitness for teaching. These terms are defined and explained in the Minimum Competencies document distributed in EDUC 210 Foundations of Education. The document is also available upon request from the certification officer of the School of Education and Psychology.
Students applying for admission to the Teacher Certification Program are required by state law to earn a passing score on the Washington Educator Skills Test-Basic (WEST-B) prior to admission into the program. Test dates and locations are available from the School of Education and Psychology.
A student majoring in elementary education must satisfactorily complete the required pre-candidacy courses, certification program courses, endorsement courses, cognates, the general studies program, and baccalaureate degree requirements as listed in this bulletin. Thirty credit hours in an approved content area must also be satisfactorily completed.
A minimum grade point average of not less than 2.75 is required in all pre-candidacy, certification, endorsement, and cognate courses that apply to these requirements. Any course graded lower than a C cannot apply. A total of two repeats are permitted in any course or any combination of courses in the Pre-Candidacy courses and the Teacher Certification Program combined. Senior students seeking certification are required to take and pass the Washington Educator Skills Test-Endorsement (WEST-E) in elementary education prior to their student teaching. In addition, students desiring to pursue graduate studies in education are encouraged to take the Graduate Record Examination (general).
Practicum experiences in elementary education require a formal application, law enforcement background check, and moral character clearance. Contact the School of Education and Psychology for details.
Student teaching requires formal application to the School of Education and Psychology. Student teaching applications, available from the certification officer, are due by the end of Fall quarter prior to the year in which the student plans to enroll for the experience. The candidate must spend a minimum of 450 hours in supervised field experience over the course of their student teaching experience.
Phase 1: Pre-Candidacy Program
Pre-candidacy courses must be completed with a minimum grade-point average of 2.75 before a student may proceed to the Teacher Certification Program. Students may apply for admission to the Teacher Certification Program during the last quarter of pre-candidacy courses. A minimum of a B- average in the College Writing/Research Writing sequence is required.
Pre-Candidacy Courses:
Washington Educator Skills Test-Basic (WEST-B):
Students must pass all sections of WEST-B before acceptance into Phase 2.
Pre-Candidacy Cognates:
Phase 2: Teacher Certification Program
Formal acceptance into the Teacher Certification Program is required before registering for the courses listed below. To be admitted into the Teacher Certification Program, students must demonstrate satisfactory scholarship, professionalism, and personal fitness for teaching. These terms are defined and explained in the Minimum Competencies document distributed in EDUC 210 Foundations of Education. The document is also available upon request from the certification officer of the School of Education and Psychology.
Teacher Certification Courses:
EDUC 315 | Classroom Technology Tools | 2 |
EDUC 350 | Language Development in Young Children (or PSYC 350) | 3 |
EDUC 360 | Elementary Curriculum and Instruction: Reading and Language Arts I | 3 |
EDUC 361 | Elementary Curriculum and Instruction: Reading and Language Arts II | 3 |
EDUC 373 | Elementary Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics | 4 |
EDUC 382 | Elementary Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies | 2 |
EDUC 383 | Elementary Curriculum and Instruction: Science and Health | 3 |
EDUC 390 | Measurement and Evaluation in Education | 4 |
EDUC 405 | Classroom Organization and Management | 3 |
EDUC 410 | Philosophy of Education (or PHIL 410) | 3 |
EDUC 425 | Legal, and Ethical Aspects of Education | 2 |
EDUC 444 | Teaching Cultural Diverse Students | 2 |
EDUC 472 | Introduction to Student Teaching Field Experience | 0 |
EDUC 476 | Elementary Student Teaching Part I | 2 |
EDUC 480 | Elementary Student Teaching Part II | 12 |
EDUC 493 | Student Teaching Assessments | 3 |
EDUC 495 | Colloquium: Child Abuse | 0 |
SPED 405 | Teaching the Exceptional Child | 3 |
Washington Educator Skills Test-Endorsement (WEST-E) and any other WA State Assessment Tool:
Students must pass the WEST-E and any other WA state assessment tool in elementary education before beginning their student teaching. If after attempting more than once, a candidate has not passed the WEST-E, he/she may petition the School of Education and Psychology to proceed to student teaching. If the petition is granted, the candidate will sign a statement of understanding that if he/she does not pass the WEST-E but completes all other requirements, the B.S. Elementary Education degree will be granted without Washington state teacher certification. Students must pass the WEST-E and any other required WA State assessment tool in elementary education to receive Washington state teacher certification.
Elementary Education Endorsement Requirements:
ART 395 | Methods of Teaching Art | 2 |
ENGL 223 | Research Writing | 3 |
ENGL 374 | Literature for Children | 3 |
GEOG 252 | Physical Geography | 4 |
HLTH 110 | Wellness for Living | 3 |
HIST 221 | History of the United States | 4 |
| or | |
HIST 222 | History of the United States | 4 |
MUED 394 | Music in the Elementary School | 3 |
PETH 473 | Teaching Elementary Health and Physical Education | 3 |
SPCH 101 | Fundamentals of Speech Communication | 4 |
ASTR, CHEM, PHYS | Physical Science Coursework | 4/8 |
BIOL | Life Science Coursework | 4/8 |
Note: Pre-candidacy cognates and Teacher Certification Program courses also partially fulfill the requirements of this section.
Minor in an Approved Content Area:
Elementary education majors must complete the requirements for an approved minor. If the chosen minor does not have 30 quarter hours, additional courses must be taken to reach at least 30 quarter hours in the area of the minor. Alternatively, they must complete a minimum of 30 quarter hours in one of the three non-minor content areas listed below.
Approved Content Areas
English/Language Arts
Middle Level Mathematics
Approved Non-Minor Content Areas
Social Studies
Religious studies (Bible) is not an approved Washington state endorsement. However, a religion major or minor, plus a methods course in religion, remains essential for those desiring a denominational endorsement in Bible.
Non-Minor Content Areas
Humanities (completion of 31 credits)
Select from the following courses in consultation with your adviser.
Select 8 credits from the following courses:
ENGL 210 | Survey of British and American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 211 | Survey of British and American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 212 | Survey of British and American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 214 | Themes in Literature | 4 |
ENGL 358 | Classical Literature | 4 |
| or | |
ENGL 359 | World Literature | 4 |
Select 3 credits from the following courses:
Select 8 credits from the following ENGL/WRIT courses:
Select 12 credits from the following courses:
Science (Completion of 32 credits)
Select 8-12 credits from each of the following sciences in consultation with your adviser.
Social Studies (Completion of 32 credits)
Select from the following courses in consultation with your adviser.
History - minimum of 16 credits (sequence not required):
Social Studies Electives - minimum of 16 credits (4 upper division credits required):
Additional Requirements for Denominational Certification
EDUC 381 | Elementary Curriculum and Instruction: Religion | 2 |
EDUC 497 | Colloquium: Small Schools | 0 |
16 Religion credits are required for certification and must include:
RELB | (Selected from courses with RELB prefix) | 6-8 |
RELH 457 | History of Adventism | 3 |
RELT 202 | Christian Beliefs | 4 |
RELT 417 | Inspiration and Revelation | 3 |
*18 Religion credits are required for Jr. Academy Endorsement.